Audience- Platform Research

Making Audience Insights


Ideal Client Profile

Actionable ICP

Get your ICP (Ideal Client Profile) revised in an actionable way: Know how to strategically reach your target group across different platforms - each in its own way while bundling resources efficiently.

Platform Tiers

3 Platform Tiers

You cannot work everything at once. The 3-Tier structure allows your team to work platforms efficiently based on hard data and prepared insights.

What is


Persona Revision / ICP

Get your persona definitions / ideal client profiles (ICP) revised with platform insights, or get help creating your personas from scratch.

Platform Research

Know which platforms actually matter (and in which order), and get the 3-Tier Approach laid out for your specific brand.

Data mining

Information extraction from your Tier 1 platforms, and elaboration of insights, desires, wants, profile details, challenges and topics - ready for your content creation process.